How can you help your Ray Marsh Elementary School PTA
- Get involved by becoming a member
- Go to and click on join now. Membership options include single, couple, faculty/staff and grandparents. Membership costs just $10 per person for the year.
- Donate to the PTA
- Go to the same site and follow the directions above. In our store, you will see options for teacher appreciation or open donation, any amount is appreciated!
- Sign up your kiddo for the birthday marquee (sign out in front of the school)
- Same as above, choose the option for birthday marquee. The entire amount goes to support the PTA and you get your kids name up for only $5
- Get involved in volunteering
- Email with your name and email
- Purchase through AmazonSmile
- Easiest one on the list😊 When you are purchasing from amazon, go to and choose Ray Marsh PTA as your charity of choice. A portion of your purchase will automatically go back to the PTA, not costing you a thing
- Purchase products that support box tops
- Download the app from the app store for box tops. When you purchase certain items, box tops will donate to our PTA, all you have to do is scan your receipt and upload it on the app.
- Attend our meetings and events
- For an updated schedule of events, go to the PTA website listed above. Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 25th at 6:30 pm and childcare is provided, we would love to see you! Attending any of our restaurant dinners or skate parties also contributes a portion back to the PTA.
- Join givebacks
- This is a new program, but if you are registered as a member of the PTA, you can also register for givebacks. Similar to programs like Rakuten, when you shop online a portion of the purchase will go back to you and a portion will be given back to the PTA as well. For more information, please visit

The Ray Marsh PTA helps the school in many ways, including but not limited to teacher appreciation funds and events, school resources including helping our school and teachers purchase educational materials that have been cut from other budgets, help with field trip and science activity funding for students, chat & chew programs, book fairs and donations, support for our resource and specials teachers and many more items. We really appreciate your support!